
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Crafty Surprise for Cat Owners

I have four cats, so I buy a lot of cat litter!  Recently my favorite brand, Tidy Cats, re-did their large tub, and when they did, they included a free gift for crafters!  Here's a picture of the tub; do you see the freebie?

Yes, it's the lid!  It lifts right off and it's the perfect size and shape to use when crafting something with lots of little parts.  The trays stack together, so when they are empty they are easy to store; I frequently use them to corral the pieces of different on-going projects on my sewing table.  They have a raised edge and a shallow trough around the inside edge, which is perfect for buttons or beads.  They even come in a few different colors!

The button-y heart in this picture is one of the 20 hearts I have made and will be sending soon to Jo S. as part of a personal swap on Craftster.  In a few days I will show you all the hearts I made for her (after I mail them--I don't want to spoil the surprise!)


  1. That is brilliant!
    With three cats runnung the house, how did I never think out of the box, and see this? Sewing needles, buttons, embroider floss, my current threads...I couldnt find my seam ripper all morning. If I was upcycling this, without having to do snything to it!, I could have been creating!

  2. And I never thought past "Fabric covered, pocketed crafting bucket with lid turned into seat". Your use is much faster and easier :)


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