
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fork and Talk--Blogger's Meet-Up

I was recently invited to attend the first-ever Blogger's Meet-Up (also known as Fork and Talk) in Little Rock, Arkansas.  Since that's where my mom lives (I'm in Virginia), I jumped on a plane and flew down there!  The event was hosted by the website Craft Gossip, and sponsored by SK Success Brands.  I have much to tell and many pictures to share, so it will take two posts to covers just the basics!  Today I will tell you about the meeting itself; tomorrow I will do a show-and-tell of all the take-home goodies I received.  In the weeks to come I will highlight individual products that I received.

There were 20 bloggers there, all from Arkansas except me!  We were joined by 4 editors from Craft Gossip, who all live in Little Rock.  We met in a private dining room at the wonderful Trio's restaurant. While we waited for our lunch. we went around the room and introduced ourselves. It was great to hear all the different ways these women are creative--the different things they make, and the different ways they share their creations with the world.

I managed to plug our upcoming Journal Cover swap at when it was my turn to speak!!

Our lunch menu:

I had the Leilani.  I had eaten half the sandwich before I remembered to take a picture--it was so good!!

A view of the beautiful dining room:
 While we ate, we chatted and got to know the others at our tables.  After lunch we had a group activity:  each table decorated a hat!  There were four tables, and when the hats were table was the winner!! Each of us at the table received a craft kit for winning! (Our winning hat is on the far left.)

Then it was time for the indivdual project.  We each were given this flower-making kit by Laliberi.  It contained supplies to create 10 flowers.  We had time to make one at the meeting.  They can be used as a brooch or hair clip, and all the necessary parts were included in the kit.

It was a great afternoon of talking, eating, meeting and crafting!  Before we left, we all received a HUGE bag of crafting goodies supplied by the sponsor, SK Success Brands.  Tomorrow I will show you everything I got!


  1. It was fun to meet you and everyone else at the Fork and Talk. So glad you got to combine the event with a visit to you mom! Enjoyed browsing your blog!

  2. It was SO great to meet you!!!! Glad to be your craft-blog-friend!!


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