
Monday, September 12, 2011

Pay It Forward

I am just back from my exciting weekend in Little Rock, Arkansas, where I attended the first-ever bloggers meet-up hosted by Craft Gossip and sponsored by SK Success Brands...and I have a LOT of blogging to do regarding that!

But first I have to tell you that I want to give several of you a gift, made by me!  I have agreed to participate in a "Pay it Forward" game, and here are the details that I found on 25 Reasons:

wanna play?

How it Works:

1. I will make a little something for the first 3 people who comment on this post.  It will be a surprise, and it will come to you within the next 365 days (but probably much sooner than that).

2. To sign up to receive a gift from me you must play along too.  Share the giving love on your blog by promising to send a handmade goodie to the first three people who comment on your blog post.

3. You must have a blog.  (But I feel bad about that, so I promise to have another giveaway sometime soon that will be open to everyone.)

4. After commenting on my post, you have to post this (or similar) on your blog to spread the love.

There is a flickr group where you can post pictures of what you receive.  Click here to join .

When you leave your comment, make sure there is a link to your blog you if you are one of the first three.  I will check your blog within the next few days, and if you have posted this, the freebie is yours!  If you haven't posted about it...I guess it will go to the next person who commented!

I love the whole idea of "pay it forward", and I encourage all who read this to find a way to do some small kindness for someone, with no expectation of repayment, in the hope that they will do the same for someone else when they can.


  1. Id love to "pay it forward" with the first 3 people who comment on the post on my

    Ill be aiming to post by midnight est tonight or tomorrow the latest!
    Thanks, Leslie!

  2. OH I am totally into this. I'm writing a new blog post tonight, so I'll have it up in the next day or so. WoO!



  4. can't believe I'm only the 3rd person to post!! Must be my lucky night :)

  5. I can't believe you are only the 3rd person either--I thought bloggers would all jump on this! I will send your gift along once you post about "pay-it-forward".


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.