
Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Critters Toy Drop

I finally figured out what to do with these cute little stuffies I made as prototypes when I was designing the Mystery Critters pattern.  (The one on the left was my original idea; he morphed into the guy on the right.  Quite a change, isn't it?!)

The two above, as well as the three below (which were the "models" for the swap on Craftster) will soon be going to new homes, thanks to a group called The Toy Society. They encourage people to make toys and secretly "drop" them in public places, for anyone to claim and take home.

A few days ago I got an e-mail from my friend Diane, saying she had just seen a picture at The Toy Society of two stuffies someone had just "dropped" near the town where she lives.  The stuffies were made from my Mystery Critter pattern!  Of course I hurried to take a look, and I was instantly captivated by the idea.  Here's a quote from the website:

"The Toy Society is a craft/street art project spreading love throughout the streets of the world.  From Melbourne to Lisbon, Antwerp to Michigan and everywhere in between, The Toy Society is all about giving you a 'something for nothing' experience."  How cool is that!

To participate, you just go the and register by submitting your name and e-mail address.  They will send you an e-mail which details how to do a toy drop.  On the website you can also see pictures of toys that have been "dropped", and  read about some of the toys that have been found.

I decided to give these critters a makeover--I switched their button eyes for safety eyes, so they would be ready for any child who finds them. (I just noticed that some of them still have a button on their bodies--don't worry, I will snip those off too!)

The Toy Society will give you links to print out the labels and letter that goes with each toy you drop.  You seal it all up in a zip-lock bag, and take it somewhere you think a child might find it.  I'm going to drop this one in a near-by park.
 The letter that accompanies the toy gives the website address, so if the finder wants to report the toy "found", they can.  This would be a great family activity!  My kids are in college now, so I guess I will do the toy drop by myself!

They have a special toy drop date just before Christmas, when they hope to have 300 toys dropped around the world.  I will save one or two of mine to drop that day, and then I will register them at the site.  I'll be sure to let you know if any of them are reported after they are found!

1 comment:

  1. what a fab idea! I might just go have a look and see what I can do.
    Been asked to do 3 sock monkeys for Christmas, so sure I can do another one or two while I'm at it!


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