
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Amazing Amaryllis Part 1

I'm posting this non-crafty event because it is so amazing!  I want to show you the progress of my pot of amaryllis bulbs.

About 10 years ago I bought an amaryllis bulb in November.  I planted it and watered it, and it bloomed beautifully!  The next year I got a second one and added it to the pot.

The pot sits on my front porch all spring, summer, and fall.  It's a terrible plastic pot which is now cracking and breaking; I really MUST get a new pot!

While it's on the front porch, the bulbs get rainwater and the occasional glass of water when I remember it. I usually give them plant food once or twice during the summer.  I only did it once last summer.

A few years ago, one of the bulbs sprouted another bulb, so now the three of them are happily squeezed into the pot!

Right around New Years Day, I checked the bulbs, and I was thrilled to see the first evidence of the flower buds emerging!  I get so excited about this every year!

This series of pictures is following the main flower shoot, but there are actually four shoots coming up!  Yes, one of the bulbs is an over-achiever, and is giving me two stems of flowers this year.

The pot is in the back of my kitchen dining area, in the corner between the big window and the French doors.  All day long it is bright, and it does get a little direct sunlight.

All these pictures were taken 1-2 days apart.

This was yesterday, January 14th.  You can see two of the other stems in this picture.

Isn't it beautiful?  There are four buds on this stem; you never know if you will get two, three, or four.  Each one is a surprise package!
 In a week or so I will show you my amaryllis in full bloom!

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