
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Random Acts of Kindness

About a month ago, I posted about a "Pay-It-Forward" game for bloggers; the first 3 bloggers who commented on the post would get a gift from me, if they put the same post on their blog and agreed to send gifts to 3 people.  I felt bad that it was only for bloggers, so today I'm going to give EVERYONE the chance to get a little hand-made gift from me (except Susan, Kat and Helen--whom I love and encourage to do a random act of kindness!--you three are my Pay-It-Forward recipients, so feel free to comment on this post, but your comment won't count toward gift).

This time we're doing "Random Acts of Kindness".  I will send a random gift to anyone who does a kindness for someone and leaves a comment on this post.  Maybe it will be one of these zippered pouches:
Simply do something unexpected for someone, any time, anywhere, and then come back here and tell what you did in the comment section.  If it's next week, next month, or next year, fine!  Maybe you will volunteer at school; help an older person in the grocery store; give a gift to your favorite bank teller--I'm sure you will think of something.  It can be big or small, it just has to be something that makes someone else know they've been noticed.  The world can seem cold and impersonal at times, and random acts of kindness are meant to counteract that.

I hope I have to send a ton of gifts, and that we all will make random acts of kindness a habit in our lives.


  1. These bags are darling! And though I am ineligible to receive one, i will strengthen my efforts of random acts of kindness. Thanks for the reminder to spread warmth, Leslie. You walk the walk!

  2. I hope you send out a heap of gifts for this - my first craftster angel package has been received, and it feels SO good to know I made someone happy!

  3. I just read this post-I must have missed it in my previous browsing around. Such a coincidence, but a co-worker at my office, single mom of two teenaged girls, recently moved to a better house. Her previous landlord was not too good about repairs, roof leaks, heating problems, etc. The house she is renting now is wonderful, and I helped her find it! We went out riding around one afternoon after work, and there it was, just waiting for her! She and her daughters moved about a month ago, and I just this week embellished two Halloween tea towels, and gave her tickets to a service organization (I'm a member) pancake feed coming up in November, all for a "house warming" gift. She was surprised, and told me the next day how much she just loved the towels--she thought they were so cute. And though not an expensive or time consuming gift at all, she really appreciated the thought! I'm glad she liked them. It was fun to make the towels and more fun to give them to her. In the past, I liked to surprise people with random acts, but haven't done it lately until this. Going to strive to do it more often.

  4. I used to cater and make wedding cakes- until I had four kids. Well I decided I wanted to make this couples 50th wedding anniversary cake for free. I know they were expecting the usual box cake in a sheet pan. Oh no! I decided I was going to go all out and make a strawberry filled cake from scratch and make it two tiered! I did a basket weave on the cakes and topped them with strawberries. It looked like stacked baskets full of berries. I just got back from that tonight and they were blown away! It is so fun to surprise people!!


  5. This is so wonderful! I pinned it on "Pinterest"

  6. I had a volunteer in my classroom last year who had issues managing her strong feelings (i.e.-impatience, anger). She was asked to leave. She came back at the end of this past summer, crying, and apologized. I apologized too, for how I handled the situation with her. She was set to volunteer in my classroom again this year, when I found out that she has breast cancer. When I went to call her, I was informed by her neighbor that she doesn't want any calls. I was hurt, but still wanted to do something for her. So I asked my nine year old daughter what she thought I should do. We expanded (slightly) on her idea, which is: We are going to fill a box of goodies and leave it anonymously at her door, and not put our name anywhere in or on the box. She will be able to figure out who gave it to her by the items that are crafted in the box, but we are still doing what she asked, while letting her know we are thinking of her.

  7. All of you are awesome! Thanks for sharing your stories.

  8. I received my LOVELY, PERFECT, AMAZINGLY sewn bag today from Leslie regarding the 'random act of kindness' that myself and my girls are doing for the ill 'foster grandma' that worked with me last year. It was such a surprise to find an unexpected package in the mail for me, and such great timing! This is a hard time of year for me, and I am actually looking at having some surgery myself, and when I opened up the envelope and saw what it was, I had a HUGE SMILE on my face! She used lovely fabrics, the main fabric is cupcakes...obviously the lovely Leslie "stalked" me to find out my likes. Thank you so very very much thoughtful! (I'm going to use it to hold my crochet hooks.)

  9. I'm so glad you like it, Miss Barbara!


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