
Friday, October 21, 2011

Scrappy Patchwork Tutorial and GIVEAWAY

Okay, time for another swap-related tutorial!  This time I will show you how to make a scrappy patchwork card case, but this patchwork technique could be applied to any sewn item.  Basically, you are just making a large piece of patchwork fabric, from which you will cut a piece to make your card case (or potholder, or pillow, or pouch...)  There is a giveaway at the end of this tutorial, so read (or at least scroll through) the whole thing!  And, if you love "scrappy" stuff and want more, more, more, join us on Craftster for the Scrap Happy Swap that my friend Susan (The Sloppy Sewer) and I will be starting within the next week or so.  You will be able to choose whatever you want to make for the swap; I'm offering this tutorial to show one way to make something "scrappy".

Card Case Wallet Tutorial

1.  Go to your scrap bag and choose some scraps.  I have a lot of blue, so that's what I'm using.  I chose similar shades of blue, with a few pops of color thrown in.  Iron your scraps. (A couple of mine were already sewn together from other projects--bonus!)

2. Start by sewing the scraps together in pairs, and iron flat. 

3. Using a rotary cutter and clear ruler, cut the sewn pairs into smaller pieces (3-6" long), but be sure not to cut at 90-degree angles!  You want as many different angles as possible to make it look random.

Here are my pieces all cut up:

4. Start sewing the cut-up pieces together in pairs.

You will need to straighten all the edges, so trim as needed.  I'm using this one as my center:

Other pieces ready to sew to my center:

You will sew scrappy units together, ironing and trimming after each one, to build up a piece of scrappy fabric large enough for the item you want to sew.  For the card case, we need a piece at least 9" x 4 3/4"

Here is my finished scrappy fabric.

5.  You will need iron-on interfacing; light-weight Pellon is what I use:

You will also need a backing fabric for the card case.  I'm using plain blue fabric, cut larger than 9" x 4 3/4".
Cut pieces of Pellon to fit both fabrics, and iron it on now.

6.  Cut your patchwork fabric to the size needed for the card case:  9" x 4 3/4"

Leave your backing fabric larger.

7.  This is my interfaced patchwork fabric face-down on the backing fabric.  Sew all around the edge of the patchwork fabric, using a 1/4" seam, and leave a 3" gap unsewn for turning.

8.  Trim the excess backing fabric and turn the case right-side out.  Press.  To make the card case, you will need to fold the short sides in 1 1/2"--I have marked mine with pins.  Fold in and iron.

...but before I sew the flaps, I think I will add an elastic loop so I can close my card case with a button. I'm using a hair elastic.  Tape it about 1/3 from the bottom, and cut it off.  I'm going to cover the raw end of the elastic with a piece of scrap fabric.

I ironed Heat n Bond Lite to the back of my scrap piece so I could iron it in place over the elastic before I sew.  If you want a scrappier look, skip the Heat n Bond.

Sewing the elastic and patch in place. 

9.  Okay, NOW I'm ready to sew the flaps.  Fold the short sides in on the crease you have already ironed.  Top stitch very close to the edge, not more than 1/8".  Go from one end to the other, then sew the other side.  Be sure to backstitch and the beginning and end of each seam.

Sew on a button and fill with cards!

 Okay, here's the giveaway I mentioned:

Because I LOVE loyal readers, I will send you an envelope of scrap fabrics to get you started on your own scrappy patchwork!  Just do two little things:
1.  Post a comment below.  It can be about anything.
2.  Send me an e-mail (click on my name near my picture...there is an e-mail link on my profile page)--I will need you to send me your mailing address and color preference for your scraps (and Craftster username, if you are active on Craftster, so I will know you when I see you!)

Thanks so much for reading this!  I hope we get lots of you in the Scrap Happy Swap on Craftster!


  1. Oh I would love a little scrap pack! Seriously though Leslie, you make up the best tutorials-thank you for taking the time to make them! :)

  2. Love this - thank you for sharing.

    Think I'm gonna need to keep an eye out for this swap - sounds fun! But then, I got so many others I wanna do too :( SO hard to choose!

  3. I have to say that there's nothing like this on the boards right now. And if you have one swap under your (patchwork?) belt, Craftster does gift us with 5 swaps at a time--yea! This will be my first patchy project, people--so be fearless and excited with me!

  4. What a great swap idea! I'll keep an eye out for it.

  5. Leslie - first time for me posting a comment here, I think - I read your blog LOTS but have not really slowed down to post. Yes, yes, I would love to receive an envelope of your scraps. I'd be delighted!! I like this idea for a swap - looks like lots of creative fun.
    fiddlegirl8 (Diane K.)

  6. Well, I've been looking for a small swap and I really need a card case - so I think this might be just the right place for me! Thanks for organizing it, you two!!

  7. this sounds like a fun swap, I need to use up some scraps!

  8. I absolutely love the swaps you organize with susan! thanks for the scrap give away!
    Jen (miknessevie)

  9. I would love some scraps! my inventory is so very low that this would be so helpful!! thanks a ton!


  10. I love the scrapy patchwork case. Yes please I would love a envelope of fabric scraps. Thanks so much.

  11. yay for finding great blogs and tutorials through craftster! Thanks so much, and I'd love a scrap pack!


  12. Scrap use is right up my alley. I would love to add to my stash. I can't wait for scrappy swap to start. Thanks Leslie!

  13. That's really great! A great way to destash small pieces!
    Does the offer apply for international residents? (non-US)

  14. Sure, I'll send scraps anywhere! I just mailed some to England, Australia, and Puerto Rico yesterday!

  15. Ooo - I love good sewing tutorials, especially for things that are actually useful. Thanks so much for this one.

  16. Oh I would love my very own little pack of scrappy happiness, please!

  17. I'm working on my questionnaire for the swap and would love a little pack of scrappy goods to get me started.

  18. I just found your blog and love it! I am a beginner sewer and looking for another idea for my list of husband just started his own business so this would be a wonderful thing to make!

  19. Time to get over my fear of scrappy sewing and try my hand and sewing scraps together. This is just too cute. I especially love the use of the hair band. Have plenty of those! Thanks for the tutorial. Pinning it to my to do list.

  20. This looks like a lot of fun. Love to give it a try.

  21. i bet your scraps are fantastic! i would love to get my paws on some, if i could! abbeyrd83

  22. I love the Scrap Happy swap idea. I cannot wait to make some patchwork things. I am so excited!!!!

  23. Hello! I am hoping to make something using this technique (never used interfacing before). Thanks for the tutorial.

    Also, I would love to get some scraps of fabric- if you have any left, that is. :)


  24. Puzzler, I need your mailing address to send you some scraps. If you click on my name near my picture at the right, you will find the link to my email--send me your address and the scraps will be on their way to you!

  25. What a fun tutorial! I can't wait to try your technique. :) Would you please send me some scraps if you have any left?


  26. Love your site. I would love a pack, thanks.


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